Excellent; I feel your mind racing at a 1000 questions a second. What we have here is a continuation from the early conceived active-matrix-display with its border to contain its captured pixels (pixies) that dance (sprites). That active matrix is a grid array of squares, which as the squares get smaller (resolution (just like digital music with its bitrate)) the illusion is more convincing (trick). Add the huge database of digital images (mirage); when one stares into the looking glass, an image comes forth with a prompt, an act of will. Where was I... yes, so, simulacra, with more immersion, is still a trick, to trick oneself, but it takes two to realise.

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yes, I see where you're coming from! At this point, the AI's intelligence is within OUR minds, not an entity of its own. But then again, the simulation running "in a digital space" is once again an illusion - the underlying hardware has the same quantum resolution as the rest of the universe. Transistors and binary gates might be incomparably simpler than the neurons, but they are essentially made of the same *stuff* physically. I'm not ruling out any future possibilities anymore!

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